Environment Scene (2021)
I created the field and cattails from the hair simulation and making it sways by utilizing the wind mechanic. The sail of the boat is made with cloth simulation and the duck moving on a spline by using x-presso.
Rube Goldberg Machine (2021)
I created a Rube Goldberg machine in Cinema 4d, making use of the Cinema4D's soft and hard body dynamics.
Blood Flow (2021)
In Cinema 4D, I used the xpresso plugin to simulate the circulation of red and white blood cells. Lastly, lighting and surface textures were added to the vessel.
Hair Simulation (2021)
In Cinema 4D, I use the hair tool to create hair simulation on the character's head. It was very hard to keep the hair from going all over the place. Cinema4D's hair simulation is still very glitchy.
Clothing Line Simulation (2021)
This was the first time I experimented with cloth material and wind simulation.
Cape Cloth Simulation (2021)